Welcome to my Star Trek fansite! My friend (first stamp to the left!) got me into it by showing me a few particularly funny episodes, and I've been hooked ever since. I started with TNG, then worked my way to the other older series. As you can see below I haven't watched everything, but I plan on seeing the "golden age" shows. This also means some of the headcanons and worldbuilding I post here is subject to change. I've also collected quite a few books, which seem to have a lot more expansive and "unofficial canon not canon" lore. Please do not send me any corrections or spoilers (at least, whenever I get around to adding comment boxes)!


  • Discovery S04E04
  • Prodigy S02E12


  • Planet of Judgement (Joe Haldeman, 1977)


  • The Original Series
  • The Animated Series
  • Star Trek: The Motion Picture
  • Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
  • Star Trek III: The Search For Spock
  • Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
  • Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
  • Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
  • The Next Generation
  • Star Trek: Generations
  • Deep Space 9
  • Voyager
  • Star Trek: First Contact
  • Star Trek: Insurrection
  • Star Trek: Nemesis
  • Enterprise
  • Lower Decks


  • Spock Must Die! (James Blish, 1970)
  • Star Trek: The New Voyages (Multiple authors, 1976)
  • Spock, Messiah! (Theodore Cogswell and Charles A. Spano, Jr., 1976)
  • The Price of the Phoenix (Sandra Marshak and Myrna Culbreath, 1977)
  • The Lost Years (J. M. Dillard, 1989)


[09/28/2024] WOW they were not lying... Nemesis really is the worst of the bunch. Seriously, what happened? There doesn't seem to be any thought to the political nature of Star Trek at this point- I'd bet this is the Star Trek conservatives remember when they get all pissy about "forced diversity" in Discovery and such. I mean, the plot is literally about the Federation and the Romulan Empire becoming mildly better friends by putting down their slave revolt. The Remans are barely thought out, you could remove them entirely and have just about the same plot. And I can hardly start with Data, everything is suddenly so mean-spirited towards him, and then they just kill him off in the end with no weight whatsoever. Like, if the Data self-shipper doesn't feel a thing when you kill him off, you've gone wrong.

So, yeah, I don't consider any of these movies canon tbh. There so empty there's hardly anything to take from them anyway.

Discovery... Season 3 was totally supposed to be the end, right? They had a big "where are they now" segment and a quote from Gene Roddenberry at the end. S4 definitely feels like it's falling off a bit (destroying Kweijan was so cheap) but the good outweighs the bad, definitely. My biggest gripe is that they made Michael captain all of the sudden, even though Tilly was clearly set up for that, and it's not like Tilly showed any second thoughts towards being captain. I'm willing to see where they go with it though, cause she's got a big mid-life crisis going on.

[09/15/2024] HAPPY AMOK TIME ANNIVERSARY! Thank you Kirk and Spock for giving birth to slash fanfiction.

[09/11/2024] The TNG movies are actually so bad it's not even funny... They have reduced Data to nothing but comedic relief, and made him stupid at the same time. The "sillier" scenes just feel offputting and out of place, they feel like the versions of the characters from one of those incorrect quotes blogs.

Discovery, on the other hand, continues to be absolutely fantastic and insane. I can hardly make a summary here because that's just how Discovery is, but going into season three has been really fun and the storytelling is still going strong. Tilly is still my fave lol.

[08/24/2024] Discovery has probably been the most fun I've had with a Star Trek series for a while. Every episode feels like an entire season. Every plot point sounds so stupid on paper but Discovery is so sincere about its story that it just executes everything with pure confidence that makes it amazing, I can't believe there are people who decide Michael is a mary sue and drop the series. Season 2 episode 4 might have been my favorite episode.

[07/30/2024] First Contact was WAY better than Generations, the sorta horror movie style editing really added to it. I still think the emotion chip and the Borg Queen are concepts that just don't work with the wider Star Trek lore, but they're both fun to watch. At first I was worried about the plot point of the Borg Queen propositioning Data (the way I heard about it made it sound like Data was unwilling), but they get weird and freaky with it so it's a win in my book.

I have also been pleasantly surprised with Discovery! It's been pretty fun so far, we've got a really great crew. Sometimes it's edited in a really bizarre way (episode 3 especially), the plot goes all over the place into some really wacky territory, but it's really funny about it so its okay. The fact that Michael is Spock's secret adoptive sibling who somehow has a better relationship with Sarek is so funny to me, she's a mary sue the same way Spock was in TOS, and that's a good thing. Also I love Tilly, she's great.

[07/25/2024] Watched Star Trek: Generations last night... not one of my favorites. There were a lot of plot elements that just went nowhere, like Picard's anxiety over his family line. Data's emotion chip was purely for comedy relief instead of what should have been a huge paradigm shift for him, the part where he goes "oh shit" while looking at the camera is just so cheap. And why was everyone so mad at him when he pushed Beverly into the water in the first place? By now they would have understood he doesn't get comedy all that well, and it's such an anti-climatic reason for Data to go through with the emotion chip. Also, I think you could have removed Kirk entirely and just put someone else on the TNG bridge crew in his place.

My biggest pet peeve is that this movie could have easily been fixed if they hadn't gotten rid of Wesley! After spending the entire series become a mentor and father figure to him it would have been so fitting for Picard to finally start a relationship with Beverly and adopt Wesley.

Also they gloss over the fact that they blow up that Klingon ship and kill everyone on board. Why is everyone so celebratory? If this were TNG it'd be a massive moral and ethics issue, not to mention the inevitable fallout with the Klingon empire. Deeply unserious film.

[07/03/2024] Visited my friends again, we watched the series finale of DS9 together... I'm sure it's all been said before, but what a good ending. Everything was tied up so nicely, characters go their own way but it all feels satisfying in the end. It's definitely earned the claim as the best Star Trek series, I don't think I'm ever gonna stop thinking about it.

[06/05/2024] Now in the later half of Deep Space 9, we've reached the "best and worst episodes you've ever seen" era of the show (my favorite, really). Just a note, the best way to watch Profit and Lace is while high as all hell and pretending that stereotypes don't exist. Rom should've been allowed to do some drag, he's clearly in his element. I am currently rating Time's Orphan as one of Deep Space 9's funniest episodes, asking deep questions such as "what if your daughter was a caveman?"

Ok, I'm also an absolute sucker for Odo/Kira. It's great to finally see them together after six seasons, I really love them :)

[04/27/2024] Maljek's introductory fic is finally done! It's just over 10,000 words, one of the longest fics I've ever written. It's up in the art/writing section now, I added a comment section too!

[04/19/2024] If you watch Voyager just be prepared for a constant swinging scale on how good each episode is. The Year of Hell two parter was fantastic, it's genuinely amazing that they pulled off a timeline-reset plot so well. And I really love that the ending found a way to extend this kindness to the main antagonist, someone who had done things so reprehensible and monstrous, but is still given a world where he's loved. I think it's one of Star Trek's biggest tenants- that even the worst, most unforgivable person you know still deserves peace. It's just a good plot too, great presentation with the montage-style chapters of different days, and having this dark and edgy plot wrap up with something so gentle really makes it rewarding.

If I ever rewatch Voyager, I think I'd have to just make a list of the good/important plot relevant episodes. It's got some of the worst of Star Trek but also genuinely some of the best.

[04/10/2024] Voyager is bad again, bringing us to a full 360 degrees on how I feel about this series... We just watched the episode where they write off Kes and introduce Seven of Nine. Words cannot express how distraught I felt for Seven of Nine- Janeway essentially forces her into a conservatorship, the whole time Seven (who is a FULLY CAPABLE ADULT WOMAN) is rightfully calling her out and by the end begging to go back to the Borg. At the end of the episode Janeway doesn't even apologize for what they've put Seven of Nine through, and Seven sounds so defeated, it just feels awful. The scene of Janeway and Seven of Nine talking in the brig was the worst part, where Janeway literally says Seven "lost the capacity to make a rational choice when [she] was assimilated" and is "making the choice for [her]." She even lies about the previous Borg they met, saying they learned how to be autonomous and free, when they restored the collective themselves! It's a similar feeling I had watching Enterprise too, I just feel so bad for her. Chakotay killing her crew (they were assimilating the ship, but he totally caused that in the first place), Janeway forcing her to become human again, and then being thrown light years away from her collective... I don't think it'll feel very good when Seven of Nine inevitably bonds with the rest of the crew, it's been poisoned by this introduction.

And Kes. What do I even say about Kes? It's a repeat of Wesley Crusher obviously, where she simply ascends out of nowhere. I'll miss her too, she was a great character. Voyager season 4 is off to a terrible start, but I guess I already assumed we'd be going through a rough patch by now.

[04/02/2024] I've never 180'd on a series so hard before, Voyager has really hit its stride (at the time of writing we've just watched season 3 episode 16) and is just delivering banger after banger. I'm sure we'll wind down at some point but I'm really enjoying myself right now. It's kind of funny, this is almost exactly what I thought Enterprise would be like: a weird era of Star Trek that didn't hit its stride until season 3. I forgot to mention in my last log, the reason I made that image was cause my friend actually stopped a few episodes into season 3 after how bad that two-parter was. With Enterprise there'd always be something horrific just around the corner any time something good started happening in an episode, with the first two seasons of Voyager I kept expecting the same but now I've stopped holding my breathe. I'm really impressed, even Tom Paris is a cool character now (he was great in Blood Fever WHILE STAYING IN CHARACTER!!). At this point even if the quality falls off the series is worth it, I've really gotten to love it.


[03/30/2024] Ok, jokes aside, Voyager seems to swing between being really good and really bad, but the good episodes TOTALLY outweigh anything bad. "Warlords" was one of the most incredible stories I've seen- this warlord possessing a woman's body, slowly merging with her memories and losing himself and his mind in the process, while ALSO having this bisexual dominatrix energy coursing through a bizarre love triangle?? Absolutely showstopping. Why aren't lesbians posting more about Kes during that episode. Anyway, I'll admit I'm pretty mixed on the Q episode (the overall concept is cool and there's some great moments, but misogyny is looming over the whole thing), but otherwise these past few episodes have been really fun. I'm sure we'll hit another rough patch in a bit, but that just means there'll be good episodes afterwards.

[03/20/2024] Watching Voyager after Enterprise is totally wild. The good outweighs the bad so far- Neelix is, of course, my favorite, quickly followed by Kes and Tuvok. After decades of giving us amazing examples of middle-aged autistic men (Spock, Data, Odo, Worf (the entire TNG crew, if we're being honest), etc) Star Trek has finally made the bold move of giving us an evil autistic man, in the form of Tom Paris.

Ok, anyway, you can really tell they're about to make Enterprise, the vibes in Voyager are markedly different from TNG and DS9. I compared watching the first two seasons to hearing distant gunshots, but midway through season 2 it gets pretty good and you relax for a bit, and then all of the sudden Tuvix hits and there's a gunshot right next to your house. Janeway acts so much like Archer in that one it's uncanny. Poking around it looks like Michael Pillar had much better endings for this episode and the subsequent ones (Suder was totally fucked over in that two-parter), but other writers decided they wanted more "drama" and decided a bunch of characters should die.

Voyager has a leg up from Enterprise though- there's enough good that writing your own fix-it fic reality in your head is really fun. All the characters are much more engaging, I'll even admit I can see why people like Tom Paris, even if I think he's a creep, lol.

[03/07/2024] Life is good... My friends are visiting soon, we're gonna watch an absolute fuckton of DS9 together. Also, I've been exploring Internet Archive and other various Star Trek sites out there. There aren't many really big graphics repositories out there for Star Trek, but I'm finding sooooo much stuff out here, so I'll start saving what I come across, and reupload it all here. Here's to surfing the web!

[03/02/2024] Site update! I've finally gotten everything to a sort of "version 1.0". All the basic pages I want are here, my characters have full descriptions, and I've got a bit of writing up. Plus a button to share :P

[02/21/2024] Man, I really wanna make a page for various episode reviews... Not exactly reviews I guess, but just general thoughts. Nothing too long, but I'd love to ramble about the TOS movies, and a certain few eps of TNG.

[01/24/2024] I'm still working on my Enterprise essay, I've written about most of season 3. I finished the series just the other week- I'll save my feelings for the article. In other news, I'm attempting to make a list of Star Trek novels that caters to me... There are plenty of lists out there, of course, I just want to take my own approach. I'll share a link to a Google Sheets file in case anyone else wants it when I have it finished (or I'll find some way to integrate it with the site).

[12/13/2023] I've cooled off since my last statement of Enterprise... As I write my article I want to take a more level-headed approach to talking about this series. I will leave my past journal up- I know it's a bit ironic when talking about taking an even approach, but it was my genuine reaction at the time. But I do want to have a genuine conversation about this series, because I feel the militarism and discussion of the actual themes gets glossed over.

[12/11/2023] Ok, I can't do it anymore, we just watched S03E04 of Enterprise. It's absolutely atrocious. Up until this point I've tried to understand that despite its problems this series IS important to some people, that there's redeeming qualities in these characters. But holy shit, this was the final straw for me. This series is atrocious. Even ignoring inconsistent character writing and regurgitated plots... the militarism, the horrible morals, the THREE rape scenes (so far, for all I know) focused on T'Pol, the list goes on. Do people have some secret alternate version of this show I'm not seeing? Like, I didn't grow up with Star Trek, I've only seen TOS and up to season 6 of TNG (and a handful of movies and books), but I feel like I don't have to be an expert to understand this goes against practically every ethos Star Trek has tried to strive for. Enterprise shows a disgustingly militaristic world that has no desire to be better than it is. It only gives lip service to that idea.

Again, I would really like to write a proper article about this, because try as we might we've seen hardly any criticism of the sheer militarism in this show. But beyond that there's just so much killing without remorse, no consequence for anything Archer does, it really feels so bleak to me.

[12/08/2023] I really want to write something about Enterprise, but there's so much to talk about. It's really strange to see so much post-9/11 militarism in a Star Trek series, but it's also stranger to see almost no criticism for it (at least, from what I've found). Everything I've searched online really only talks about the inconsistent characters or plot, not things like the absolutely terrible handling of T'Pol's "Pa'nar syndrome" or the Cogenitor episode. I'd really like to do a deep dive on this, character writing is only the tip of the iceberg here.

I don't intend it as a "callout" or anything like that, but I really did find some of the episodes pretty shocking, to say the least. Even when judging Enterprise as its own sci-fi show rather than something connected to the overall Star Trek series, it's rough...

A collage of several pictures of Romulans with several glitter gifs overlayed, text that says Romulans Mentioned.

The Romulans have proved to be my favorites, so I made this gif to send in my group chat anytime I'm watching Star Trek and Romulans show up. Feel free to download it and spam your friends too!


I'm an autistic trans man in my 20's. My other interests include biology, insects, monster-collecting games (Pokemon, Bakugan, Digimon, etc.), the works of Osamu Tezuka, and fishing.

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