This is just a page for stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else, mostly memes :P

Cool links
There are quite a few Star Trek sites on Neocities already! I've linked some below.
- A personal site, with a few nice TOS screenshots. Plus some lovely photography, and incense reviews too!
- The webpage may be in limbo, but it's a great Spock-themed layout, with cool original art.
- Colorful, chaotic, crazy! This one's got a ton of links and things to dig through, with some fantastic Star Trek links to boot. Check out the shrines!
The Final Logs of the USS Asphodel - Now THIS looks super interesting. We read the logs from a "containment vessel", the USS Asphodel, to piece together the story of some catastrophe that happened to it. The site layout is perfectly immersive, too. There's only a few logs right now, but there's already some good intrigue going on.
Odo'Ital - An Odo fansite, the merch section is fun.
UFC465537 Guardian of Forever - An extensive archive of the FASA Star Trek Tabletop Game. And I mean EXTENSIVE. There are detailed maps of areas like Romulan space and how it overlaps with other territory, huge diagrams of dozens of ship silhouette for the Federation, Klingons, and Romulans, and that's just what I found poking around a few links. There's tons of reference material on this site, whether you actually play TTRPGs or not.
Curt Danhauser's Guide to Animated Star Trek - Not just an extensive guide with episode trivia and character profiles, this site also hosts a handful of fanmade episodes, including a series of PSAs that would have fit the time TAS aired. We have classic messages with the Enterprise crew (don't let strangers into your home, don't do drugs, etc.), but we also have Spock explaining logical fallacies, and even two Klingon PSAs (with English AND Klingon dubs) about battle. There's a ton of love put into these, I highly recommend watching them.
Curt Danhauser's Guide to the Star Trek Story Records - An archive and guide to vinyl records made by Peter Pan Industires, with a total of 11 stories to listen to.
Curt Danhauser's Guide to the Gold Key Star Trek Comics - An archive and guide to 61 + 1 comics made by Gold Key.
titC's Trekkin' Place - An old Trek site now moved and archived on Neocities. TOS focused, contains many screenshots (from mind melds to gadgets to Kirk's ripped up shirts!).
An extra big thanks to all of those archiving anything and everything Star Trek, for the benefit and joy of old and new fans alike.
Here are some cool non-Star Trek related sites I've stumbled across.
- It's hard to describe this one with plain human words. Go in with an open mind, and get ready to explore. Let the Vega Collective deliver its wisdom to you.