Pokemon AU
This started out as making Pokemon teams for the DS9 crew and expanded into an entire worldbuilding exercise. It's not my fault, the Sinnoh legendaries just work incredibly well for Bajor.
- Sisko - Solgaleo, Drampa, Ninjask, Bayleef, Aurorus
- Usually I'm hesitant to give anyone a legendary in these AUs, but Solgaleo is literally called, "Emissary of the Sun". He receives a Cosmog when he first encounters the Prophets, and it evolves into Solgaleo when he discovers the Orb of the Emissary. Also, the Ninjask is from Jadzia, and the Aurorus is from his experience with B'hala.
- Kira - Forretress, Flygon, Scizor, Gallade
- She's a ranger, her partner Pokemon is Forretress.
- Odo - Ditto, Talonflame, Gumshoos
- Quark - Meowth, Meowth, Meowth, Meowth, Meowth, Persian
- His strategy is to use Payday as many times as possible before hoping his Persian can finish the battle. The Persian is shiny, but he doesn't realize it because it looks so close to the normal colors.
- Jadzia - Infernape, Shedinja, Snorlax, Toxicroak
- Worf - Marowak, Emboar, Great Tusk, Appletun
- He got the Applin from Jadzia.
- O’Brien - Klang, Galvantula, Mudsdale, Porygon-Z, Floatzel
- Julian - Espeon, Teddiursa, Lapras
- Garak - Roserade, Meowscarada, Bisharp, Absol, Zoroark, Umbreon
- He presents himself as a grass type trainer in the beginning, before revealing the rest of his Pokemon. Absol and Umbreon were his first Pokemon. The Bisharp has a broken crest.
- Jake - Kangaskhan
- The Kangaskhan is from Jennifer :)
- Nog - Scrafty, Watchog
- Rom - Slowking, Alolan Muk, Klefki (Ferenginar form)
- Leeta - Stufful
- Dukat - Weavile, Purugly
- Ziyal - Sneasel, Smeargle, Shelgon
- Winn - Bronzong, Espathra
- Bareil - Chimecho, Solrock
- Shakaar - Garchomp
- Tain - Kingambit, Nidoking
- Weyoun - Swoobat, Seviper, Mismagius
Note that some teams aren't quite complete, assume this list will always need something added to it.
Associated Gimmicks/Battle Styles
Federation & Earth: “Regular” standard battle style. There are plenty of battle styles within of course, but any battle that would need to be recognized as “official” in any way would be along Federation guidelines, i.e. six Pokemon teams, one-on-one battles, etc.
Klingon: Pokemon Conquest, traditionally they would fight alongside their Pokemon in battle.
Betazed: “Hands off” battle style, considering they generally don't like riding animals I think they would train with their Pokemon but let them fight with minimal input.
Bajor: Pokemon Ranger (because I love the ranger games), they'd utilize Pokemon from their environment while having one or two partner Pokemon they train for battle. With the Cardassian occupation and the alliance with the Federation, they've started using pokeballs and larger teams more often.
Cardassia: Emphasis on mega-evolution.
Vorta/Jem’Hadar: Shadow Pokemon
Changelings: Delta species
- Shaymin's pokedex says it's associated with gratitude, so of course the Peldor festival is tied to it. I decided to make a Bajoran form of Shaymin for this AU:
- The wormhole connects the Alpha and Gamma quadrants, as well as Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina's dimensions. The orbs have several stand-ins, including the literal orbs associated with the legendaries, as well as the Lake Guardian trio.
- The Pah-Wraiths are the Treasures of Ruin.
- The Maquis are aided by the Swords of Justice.

Kira with a styler and Bajoran form Shaymin. This doubled as practice, as I haven't drawn Kira before.

Ferenginar form Klefki. I based the shape off an alto clef, its golden color off gold-plated latinum, and of course its keys are now lockpicking tools. The liquid in its mouth and eyes is latinum.