
T’Shoth is a Vulcan gifted with high telepathic power. Her parents have dedicated their lives to studying the Koraasith Plain, where ancient Vulcans built temples and had begun the process of domestication with the le-matyas there in pre-Surak times. With her knowledge of history and telepathy, she was able to bond with the le-matyas during her mok farr. She found the behaviors of le-matyas misunderstood by the general public, and that they were far more intelligent and resourceful. Preferring to live and hunt alongside them, she dropped Vulcan tenets such as vegetarianism and nonviolence.
However, she still follows the path of logic, if in a far different way. She considered the control of emotions and striving for logic important, but she believes that expressing emotion can also be done in a controlled manner. She reasons that relations to species like Humans and Klingons would drastically improve, much like how she came to understand le-matyas better by learning and mimicking their behavior. Thus, T’Shoth is often treated as an outsider- no matter to her. She’s content pursuing the ancient “magic” hidden within the temples of the Koraasith Plain.
Coming soon
- Born 2327.
- After reading the TOS book The Lost Years and seeing the wild psionic powers Vulcans were capable of, I had the idea of a gimmicky "goth Vulcan" character. The original joke was to have a Vulcan who was fully honest in the fact that they could melt someone's skin off or blow up someone's skeleton with a single thought, but no one would take them seriously as it just sounded like edgy nonsense. Then after several dozen "episodes" of almost using their powers (implying they were lying) they'd finally pull out the One Million Times Blood Explosion Attack and everyone would have to quietly pretend they believed them the whole time. Then the idea expanded to, "How 'edgy' of a Vulcan can I make while still staying within canon (including the books)?", then to "Wait, what WOULD a 'goth' Vulcan really look like?" I suspect many artists/writers have experienced this- beware the joke character, lest they spur you to analyze several pages of Vulcan history and culture in order to build a fitting counterculture.
- Voiceclaim